• Graduate: The Four Winds Healing the Light Body School: Luminous Healing and Energy Medicine (Dr. Alberto Villoldo)
  • Healer Initiation Rites from the medicine men and women of the Andes Mtn. Region, South America
  • Reiki: Usui System of Natural Healing
  • AccessBARS Certification
  • Radiant Child Yoga immersion Program Levels 1-3 Certification (Shakta Kaur Khalsa)
  • Health Realization, Healing from the Inside Out Certification (Northeast Health Realization Institute)
  • Workshop Participant: The Body Keeps the Score, Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma (Bessel Van Der Kolk)
  • Teacher/workshop presenter to: women in prison, domestic violence safe shelters, drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility.
  • Intro to Shiatsu Certification
  • Bachelor of Science in Human Service

It‘s always an honor to work with you. The results are always amazing. Thank you so much for all the love and support you provide not only to me, but to the collective as a whole. You’re such a powerful healer. You’re a blessing to the world.