We are innately wise and whole, even when we are not conscious of it.

– Unknown

I am excited and honored to support you in your journey to self-discovery and healing!

As an intuitive shamanic energy healer, I bring courage, compassion and commitment to helping others heal the wounds of their past.

I enrolled in Alberto Villoldo’s renowned Four Winds Healing the Light Body School, referred to as the Harvard of energy medicine programs. Upon completion of the program, I traveled to South America to study with the indigenous medicine men and women of the Andes Mountains region.  While there, I received healer initiation rites from these indigenous healers, known in the world as the Masters of the Living Energy.

I have taught yoga and mindfulness to children and meditation to all ages, including senior citizens.  I have worked with women in prison, battered women in shelters and victims of domestic and sexual violence, as well as with men and women addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Through my training, I have learned specific techniques to lead others through their transitional dark night of the soul, into a place of light and personal power, awakening to their inner sage.

Step out of the exhaustive cycle of what you think your life should look like.  Step into a space of inner peace and stability, while responding to the challenges of the day with mindfulness, joy and compassion.

Discover the freedom that comes from healing the wounds of your past.

"Thank you again for today! I can’t tell you how light I feel right now. It was a beautiful session that brought me much peace. Thank you!

– KO, VT